I recently got a chance to take a look The new standard on Twitter/X. The pilot, which bills itself as “The South Park of X,” is the only one available for the public to watch so far. It clocks in at exactly three minutes and forty seconds.
The show is being advertised as the first animated ‘sitcom’ on the social media platform. If there ever is a second animated ‘sitcom’ on X, let’s hope it’s much better than it The new standardbecause, spoiler alerts, this is bullshit.
Before we get to the actual plot, I’m going to draw your attention to something that’s way funnier than anything that happens in the episode itself. Visit the website for The New Normand the first thing you see is a big message asking you to give money to the show, with a big blue button with the word GIVE underlined underneath.
Clicking this button will take you to a Stripe payment method where you can enter your credit card information and just give them money. But this donation button is not what I promised, it was so funny.
Scroll past the donation button and the scanner bar (which takes you straight back to the option to give them your money) and you come to an image for the show with the accompanying slogan ‘Make America Funny Again’, this is still ‘it.
Scroll past the paragraph describing the same time The new standard as ‘a sharp yet family-friendly comedy’ and ‘a safe place to come together and laugh’, scroll past all that clutter and arrive at the real goldmine of humor. You will see this:
There’s a photo of anti-woke left-wing comedian Bill Maher, smiling and accompanied by the word “Brilliant!” I was stunned at first when I saw this. The New Norm was rationalized by the left, right and center because it wasn’t funny and cringed at X everywhere. Yet Bill Maher called this thing brilliant.
But no, that’s not what happens. If you look at the much smaller letters under Bill Maher’s name, you’ll notice these words: “Speaking of the series creator’s previous work, which can be seen on HBO.”
So no, Bill Maher isn’t really praising The new standardhe praises something that someone is involved in The new standard did in the past, and the new show’s creators are slyly trying to pass it off as if they’ve gotten Maher’s approval.
What makes this even more ridiculous is the fact that the serious media company Mediaite is doing this named Bill Maher’s praise without reading the fine print. Mediate wrote their first article on June 25.
At the time of writing, Mediate still hasn’t put things right, meaning tens of thousands of media observers believe Bill Maher made the call The new standard brilliant. This is way too funny.
What’s not so funny is the content of The new standard yourself. The new standard is a lifeless, seemingly AI-made short film about an obese old man named Norm who has to wear an ankle bracelet because he attacked his woke daughter’s woke professor.
A non-binary guy comes over to monitor his progress, and the awake daughter sees him and it’s love at first sight. A black guy who is friends with Norm comes to visit and the whole thing ends with a terrible song in which a cartoon Elon Musk shows up to dance.
The whole thing is cringe-worthy, unfunny, and full of plot holes, which is to be expected from something apparently written by AI. You can watch the pilot episode below:
It all makes no sense when you break it down: why is Norm an elderly person while his daughter is a teenager? Where is the mother? Why does Norm act shocked and horrified when he sees that there is a rainbow flag on his beer can – isn’t he the one who paid for it at the store? There’s no way his daughter could have legally bought it for him, she’s too young.
It’s surprising how many mistakes can be crammed into something that’s only about three minutes long. Making matters worse is the fact that there are two different laugh tracks in the episode. One laugh track would be bad enough and stink of insecurity, but two? This is the kind of mistake only AI can make.
You may be wondering who this show is for. Based on the plot summary, you might assume so The new standard is a show created by leftists to ridicule conservatives. The woke daughter is the coldest, while the conservative father is, after all, crazy, obese and old.
But no, this show is aimed at conservatives and is supposed to be anti-woke. Some digging by journalist Ben Sixsmith revealed that Matthew Faraci, who worked on it The sound of freedom, and the Israeli Likud Party, together with Akiva, were involved in the founding of The new standard. But The sound of freedom was a much better production then The new standardso why do these people skimp on talent and seem to rely on AI?
Judging by the comments on X, the only people pretending to like it The new standard are people like Larry Elder and Dave Rubin, who were paid to voice the characters in it. Almost all right-wing creators and accounts I’ve seen are completely against the show. The centrists are also against it, as are the leftists. It’s a pause in the culture war simply because everyone agrees this sucks and deserves to be mocked.
Perhaps the best place to end this article is with this viral comment from X account The scorched earth policy:
I’m disturbingly fascinating when I watch The New Norm. It somehow perfectly achieved a zero-sum state of non-entertainment. They are media that are completely separated from any natural incentive to create or consume them. Furthermore, it even manages to avoid the curious morbidity you’d find in something Lynchian or Cronenburgesque. There’s no horror or new discomfort in it, it’s simply absolutely devoid of any substance whatsoever… Encountering such media is the cosmorphic equivalent of seeing a skinwalker trying to blend into society by repeating happily ever after birthday shouting. It came from nowhere on this earth. Its sole purpose is to suck your digital tulpa into a time prison, lured by a multi-layered density of buzzwords and algorithm bait. I now understand what the fly is thinking as the walls of the flytrap slowly crush its thorax into a flattened paste. Seeing this felt like being raped by a swarm of locusts.