If a device exists, you can almost guarantee that someone has put Doom on it, and that’s exactly what happened with the Nintendo Alarmo.
Nintendo stunned the world last month when it unveiled a new piece of hardware; it wasn’t the Nintendo Switch 2, or whatever the successor is called, but an alarm clock. Yes, the Nintendo Alarmo is very real, and of course it is very stupid. An alarm clock entirely dedicated to Nintendo sounds and music? That certainly won’t create any association with the panic that comes from suddenly waking up to your favorite Mario songs! It was and still is a strange piece of technology unveiled by Nintendo, but there’s one quality that all but sealed its fate: it has a screen, which hypothetically means you could put Doom on it. And now someone has done that.
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The person in question is GaryOderNichts, a self-proclaimed reverse engineer of the Wii U, who yesterday shared a video of the classic first-person shooter running on an Alarmo on his personal Twitter account. It’s not just a matter of using it as a screen either, as you can see Gary using the little rotary knob that the Alarmo uses as a navigation input to play the game, turning it counterclockwise to go left, clockwise to move right, and use the device’s other buttons to shoot. It’s obviously not a smooth experience, but hey, it’s Doom on a Nintendo Alarmo, what more could you want!
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This is clearly only the latest device running Doom, as it’s now a time-honored tradition to get the game running on as many devices as possible – yes, that includes things like a lawnmower, a Lego brick, and the note-taking software Notepad. I’m sure there will also be more and more ways to run Doom, which will surely confuse future generations/aliens after the inevitable destruction of society.