Blue Protocol is an anime MMO developed by Bandai Namco that was released in Japan last year and was set to release in the West this year courtesy of Amazon Games. Sadly, that’s no longer the case – and the game will also be discontinued in Japan early next year.
“Today, Bandai Namco Online announced that they have made the difficult decision to end service on Blue Protocol. They will be shutting down their Japanese Blue Protocol servers in January 2025 and have ended plans to release the game in the West in partnership with Amazon Games. “, say last week’s announcement.
The Japanese servers will be closed on January 18, 2025. The game starts today removed from Steam.
Outwardly, Blue Protocol seemed to follow closely in the footsteps of Genshin Impact, with a world of blue skies, green grass and Breath Of The Wild-style enemies to bash through action RPG battles. Ed wasn’t sure if there was more to it when he got the chance to play it last year. He called it predictable, described its world as “eh”, and worried about the inevitable microtransactions.
Still, it’s a shame that we don’t get a chance to play it properly – and even more so that it’s closed to the players who had already invested. Bandai Namco says they won’t be offering refunds to players who have already spent real money on in-game Rose Orbs currency, but they will be handing out 5,000 free Rose Orbs to players every month between now and January to spend on in-game currency. cosmetics. That sucks.
There’s apparently some new content coming to the Japanese version of the game before it closes, and the developers have done just that put together a schedule for the remaining months here.